Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The N-word Part 2

The rest of the book to me was just really boring. I thought the begining was very interesting because it talked about the word's history but the rest was just proving his point over and over again. Some of the cases were interesting, but I really didn't see how you could just delete that word from the dictionary. If we do that, i aren't there other offensive words we have to also get rid of? It was really hard to pay attention to parts of the book because they used words far beyond my vocabulary and it started to get monotanous. Over all the book was very informative and it was very interesting to learn about how much a word can effect a society, cause violence, and even bring about legal action.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This chapter was really an introduction to how the word can be used in so many different contexts. It's also about how the word came to be. It started out as a classification, then became an insult, but after comedians started using it in their pieces, it became more of a term of endearment. It was actually really interesting to me, obviously the word has never specifically effected me and I still don't say it out of respect because I don't think its my place. I still believe that I shouldn't say it because I am white. I'm sorry if that's racist but it's just not a word i feel like I need to use. I still believe there are other words that are more offensive that I don't use. Certain words I just don't think should be used. I've never said the c-word or other words that are considered racial slurs. I don't want to be offensive to another culture but I also most of the time don't know what they even mean so how can I use them? I thought it was cool how they said that Eminem didn't use the N-word in his songs, it shows its significance and the real pain and power the word has behind it. Maybe not saying it just gives the word more power but I refuse to say it, it's just not a word that I need to use. I think swear words or other words that have such a huge effect on people are just a reflection on the person, as the video said, and a lack of a good vocabulary.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Republic

These books discuss how if there was a perfect society, people would just make what they needed and nothing else. However, no such society can be created because people always want luxuries. There are different classes of people. The first Socrates talks about how there will need to be warriors and the producers will be them. They must be taught just the right things so that they will know what is exceptable behavior and what is not. One of the most important things they learn is not to fear death because there are so many things that are much worse than death. The "hero's" in these stories must be purly good and honest and no sex, because that is what they want their children to be taught. Not only do their minds need to be in good shape but their bodies do too. The next class will be the rulers who are loyal to their country no matter what. The guardians listen to them.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Is Pakistan An Asset to the War

All I really got out of this packet was that Pakistan is an asset because we need them on our side. I thought that's who we were fighting in the first place... or was it Afghanistan. I have not kept up on these things, obviously. I don't know how it got to the point where we were fighting Iraq. I thought the other countries were the problem. And how did Saddam get into all this?? how come we found him and it was amazing yet we haven't found Osama yet? I thought he was the problem in the first place. I really don't understand this packet at all!! I think I need a bigger vocabulary!! I agree with the second guy about slowly squeezing Osama out cause that was the point in the first place and someone always slips, it may be getting harder but it just takes time. I know this isn't my best blog, but I can write another one after we discuss the packet if you want me too cause i really don't know what's going on.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Socrates is very stubborn, he completely burns Crito when he tries to convince him to escape. He talks about how the law allowed him to be born because otherwise his parents wouldn't have gotten married and a lot about how the law did so much for him that he feels he should give back to it. I thought it was weird because he really doesn't fear death he knows he's right and he doesn't want to break the law by escaping. It ties back to our law vs justice essay because Socrates talks about how he believes that justice is more important than staying around to teach his children, even though Crito tries to play the selfishness card on him, it doesn't work. Socrates is a guy with a lot of morals and he follows them even if they lead to his own end.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dialogues of Plato

This was very hard to understand for me but the sidenotes did help a lot. Socrates is on trial for putting ideas into people's heads, it seems like the people who have him on trial are just jealous of his smarts. I got out of it that he was accusing the people who were accusing him of being arrogant about how smart they were but as time went on i believe that Socrates is the cocky one. He talks about how he searched everywhere but could not find a group of people that were smarter than him, but he made enemies with all of them because they were jealous of his smarts. Its all very confusing to me. In the end he is convicted and sentenced to death which he doesn't seem the slightest bit worried about, he says he doesn't blame them for putting him to death.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Law And Justice

This packet was about how laws are needed to keep a society in control, but also how laws sometimes need to be broken in order for the world to move forward. With complete control of the people our country would not ever think for itself therfore losing its first amendment rights. It also talked about how monarchies are the same as our government only we actually have laws that say its okay for us to do these things and put these punishments into action.
My belief is that rules and laws need to be followed but if it crouching in on someones personal liberties and freedom as a person then the law can be broken. I think it has a lot to do with what John Locke said and his compact theory of government about when and how a government should have power. I very much agree with him and think the guy who wrote this packet does too.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Inherit The Wind

I really don't quote means but my interpretation of it is that whoever makes trouble will have it come back to them. I got this because Brown is making trouble for his family which will in the end lead to him losing what is important to him like his daughter.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Political Spectrum

According to the test I took I am a left libertarian, which is a person who believes in personal liberties. I wasn't surprised I always thought that I had liberal beliefs. I has a lot to do with freedom of say gay marriage or abortion which I believe should all the choice of the individual which again shows that I am far from conservative. I never really thought of my thoughts as "radical" but I guess to some people they are.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sex, Drugs, and Consenting Adults

Legalization of Prostitution:
I think this issue is morally wrong and should be illegal, but i can see how in some cases people would want it to be legal. Some of the big issues with prostitution is the spread of STDs and pregnancy. If prostitution were to be legalized, i think there would have to be laws that surround the act itself, such as abuse, and age limits. I guess if some people just chose to have sex, there really isn't a difference between having casual sex and just getting paid for it. However my personal beliefs that go with that is that casual sex is wrong, but it is my religion that says that in the first place so I can see how to other people it would not be wrong. Its a hard issue to take a side on especially if you can see both sides of the story.

Legalization of Marijuana:
To me marijuana is killing your body as much as cigarettes and alcohol are and they aren't illegal. I can see how this would bother people. I think also that if it was legalized, less people would feel the need to do it becasue it really is only so wanted because it's illegal. The idea that its a victimless crime? I'm not so sure if that's true, because yes it is going only into one person's body but the people that are being effected by it, are the family members who lose things that they may need because of this addiction. Again though, the same occurance can happen for those who smoke cigarettes or drink too. It's an addiction and in my opinion, they should either all be legalized, or none.

Illegalizing Porn:
In my opinion, if people aren't getting any from someone, it's not a big deal if they watch someone else getting it on. I can understand how it would be wrong if it gets to be an addiction, but I don't see how that could happen. People make millions of dollars in the porn industry and if that's what they want to do with their lives, then they can go do that. Masterbation is another religious issue so i don't think it should come into play in our laws. Its not hurting anyone to watch someone else have sex, so i think it's ridiculous that these places are being closed down. In this way, people are taking care of themselves in the privacy of their own homes, without hurting anyone around them, getting anyone pregnant, or spreading any STDs, sounds like it works to me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Intelligent Design

I really don't see what the big deal is with intelligent design vs evolution. I believe in seperation of church and state. All though I am religious, there's proof of evolution and I don't see how someone can deny that. Just because there is proof of evolution, however, it does not just end religion, why can't they both be true? My belief is that it is the church's job to teach religion, but because there are many different religions in our country, who are we to teach ONE religion at a a school and say it is the right one. There could be a class that taught about different religions, but it is the choice of the student whether they want to take it or not. I think evolution should be taught in schools it is a proven theory, and the choice of the student whether to believe it or not. By stopping our school's from teaching evolution and just teaching intelligent design, where is the line that crosses between our freedom of religion and the seperation of church and state? If someone wants their kid to only learn about religion then they can go to a religious based school, but in the public school system, it is the job of the teachers and school board to be open to all religious believes and to make it's students aware of the scientific version of things, religious beliefs are from there, the choice of the student.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Should Promoting Democracy Abroad Be a Top US Priority

After reading the packet on democracy they both seem to promote it but it is decided whether it is a top priority or not. The idea that the whole world could be a democracy is a possibility but not a reality. Different religions and believes alone can effect the way the country is run. Though we can make a difference and fix things in the world if the country is unwilling to change then what can be done? Iraq is the biggest object in the way, it seems that both agree we must stay the course to change things there. The future could go either way in this country though. At this point our efforts seem pointless to me, but then again I don't know all the facts so i couldn't really make a direct statement on the changes there.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Torture vs No Torture

After reading both sides of the issue of torture, I still believe that it is immoral and wrong no matter what the circumstances. By using torture in jails against others, we are simply as low as the terrorists themselves. Also, how can we know for certain that the person captured does have information that will be of value for the US in the future. How can we have complete evidence we know something, another oops seems inexcusable. It's simply giving other countries reason to torture American soldiers or citizens for information they don't know if we really have. Also I see this as a moral and religious issue. Religion should not play a part in government I believe, but it does have a personal level with me. Not only looking at the facts that are laid down in front of me, but just on my level of thinking. I belive personally that torture is wrong because of my morals and how i was brought up. Others probably see it differently because they learned a different way. Being a Christian effects a lot of my decisions and how I feel about a lot of issues, the idea of torture being one of them. Even after reading both sides of the story, to me torture is sick and never should be used against anyone or anything.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dead Teens Walking

1. The book and the article are the same because each of the characters are persecuted for the way they act or a crime they have commited. However they are also both abused in their younger ages which shows that how they are brought up affects they way they act. It doesn't actually give reason but it is basically the same background.

2. They were both abused in their younger years.
"Formerly, White Fang had been merely the enemy of his kind, withal a ferocious enemy. He now became the enemy of all things, and more ferocious than ever. To such an extent was he tormented, that he hated blindly and without the faintest spark of reason."
"The case of Robert Anthony Carter, a child of abuse who was put on death row in Texas 15 years ago for crimes he allegedly committed when he was 17 years old, is not atypical. Carter, who is black, grew up in a Houston housing project and was routinely taunted and beaten by other children because his clothes were ragged and dirty. His mother and stepfather would thrash Robert and his five siblings with wooden sticks and electric cords. At age five, he was hit in the head with a brick. At 10, one of his brothers hit him so hard on the head with a baseball bat that the bat broke. Another time, his mother smashed a dinner plate on his head. None of these injuries was ever treated. His IQ has been measured at 74, which is considered semiretarded."

3. I think it's ridiculous that young kids are put on death row. They aren't old enough to even know that what they are doing is wrong. I understand that no matter what age you are killing is wrong, but many of these kids were abused and they don't know the difference. What they need is help not to be put to death. White Fang is just a story so i don't know if i can really make it relate to a real life issue. But it makes sense when you apply it. I don't believe in the death penalty at all so there ya go.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Why We Need A Draft

I don't believe there should be a draft, i can see in extreme cases that one might be needed however i disagree with it. If drafts are reinstated, it will be just like years before where the rich will escape by using their high influence. This is not right in my opinion. People should be rewarded for how they are doing in school, their life choices, not by how much money their parents make. I think that if enough people continue to volunteer to be in the armed forces, it won't be a problem. However, if the draft starts up again I don't think draftees will be as willing or driven as those people who actually voluteer to do these jobs, therefore making it more dangerous for others. I am against war 100% and even more so against a draft so i hope that it will never come to that point again in our nation.

Friday, September 7, 2007

September 11th

I was riding my bike to school and i found out from my neighbor but i didn't think of it as anything. When we got to school my teacher Mrs. Anderson told us what had happened and we watched it in the library with all the other 6th graders. I remember everyone wanting to go home and the teachers were crying. I didn't really understand until then the enormity of the situation and through this we really started to learn about past events of this nature.