Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Republic

These books discuss how if there was a perfect society, people would just make what they needed and nothing else. However, no such society can be created because people always want luxuries. There are different classes of people. The first Socrates talks about how there will need to be warriors and the producers will be them. They must be taught just the right things so that they will know what is exceptable behavior and what is not. One of the most important things they learn is not to fear death because there are so many things that are much worse than death. The "hero's" in these stories must be purly good and honest and no sex, because that is what they want their children to be taught. Not only do their minds need to be in good shape but their bodies do too. The next class will be the rulers who are loyal to their country no matter what. The guardians listen to them.

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