Monday, September 10, 2007

Why We Need A Draft

I don't believe there should be a draft, i can see in extreme cases that one might be needed however i disagree with it. If drafts are reinstated, it will be just like years before where the rich will escape by using their high influence. This is not right in my opinion. People should be rewarded for how they are doing in school, their life choices, not by how much money their parents make. I think that if enough people continue to volunteer to be in the armed forces, it won't be a problem. However, if the draft starts up again I don't think draftees will be as willing or driven as those people who actually voluteer to do these jobs, therefore making it more dangerous for others. I am against war 100% and even more so against a draft so i hope that it will never come to that point again in our nation.

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